Taste: The taste of the ice-cream at last night’s Ceilidh. It turned out to be from Colpi’s in Milngavie. One of the very few tastes that I can identify that comes straight from childhood. May their vanilla never change.
Hearing: The sound of the full choir singing Howard Goodall’s Love Divine. Oh it brought on one or two more praepostorial tears, but in a good way.
Sight: The cathedral transformed by yesterday evening’s happy spinning festival. Candles, dancers and smiling faces.
Smell: The smell of the Church of Scotland building that the Diocesan Council was in on Saturday. How do they make them smell the same? Is there some special John Knox Patent Polish that they all use?
Touch: One of the regular readers of this blog (who later in the day whirled and birled me down the aisle) arrived at church yesterday wearing an item of clothing which bore the legend, “Have you hugged an Episcopalian today?” She got her wish, but I think we had better say that this did not set a precedent or who knows what will be written on her when she next turns up?
Anyone want to join in with their own five senses?
I don’t know how we lesser mortals can be expected to comment on anything in the Provost’s blog. He has pinched most of the pithy comments so “pithy” is out. Add to that his “amusing” and “entertaining” remarks and then you are really up against it. No I am not jealous – well maybe I am, just a little bit.
The Ceilidh was great fun – noisy as we knew it would be – but there was a marvellous feeling of happiness around the Cathedral. I had a lovely time – was that because I was not only drinking my own wine but seemed to have acquired someone else’s full glass. Thanks to Mary-Cate for pointing that out to me!! Sorry, Shona, I think it belonged to you.
Ice cream and crisps – Bernard with his lovely saluki – and good company at our table. Thanks to everyone who did the hard work preparing the dancing and seating areas – as usual it was done with the minimum of fuss.
Can we do it again soon?
Going to church for the smell would obviously be pretty whimsical, but I do so miss the scent of actual incense. Is there a particular brand that the Scottish Episcopal Church uses or do you pick one yourself from a multitude of candidates, as if choosing an aftershave?
Well, I used to use incense that I brought back from a souk in Cairo, but that was just showing off.
There is no particular preferred brand in the SEC. Prinknash is common.
The variety of Prinknash Abbey incense used at Pentecost was “Priory” (both at the morning Sung Eucharist and Choral Evensong). For the record, “Cathedral” was used on Acension Day. Stocks of “Abbey” are also held. Further details at http://www.prinknashabbey.org/Incense.htm
What has been omitted so far is that two different thuribles were used. The 2002 thurible was used in the morning, whilst it predecessor – newly returned from H+F having been overhauled – had its first outing at evensong. At the end of the outgoing evensong procession it was given a 360 degree swing clockwise, followed by a 360 degree anticlockwise at the west end door.
Glad to hear the “old one” is still in use, Stewart. I remember well the wonderful action it had!!
5 senses ? – How aboutSensible
5 senses ? – How aboutSensible
***** !
I had been INTENDING to say, how about these 5 senses –
“Sensor” (monitoring always being helpful)
“Sensual” (as of cats – of course !)
and “Sensational” (as of the non-dented Thurible ?)
(But The Gremlins had Other Ideas).
Where can I find that tshirt? I now realise my life won’t be complete until I know! I love it!