Mystery Worshipper

The Mystery Worshipper from the Ship of Fools has been.

Read it all.

I think it is a fair reflection of what we hope to be. What do you think?


  1. That’s a great review of the service. I remember the sermon and the car alarm. It was annoying. it seemed to be the only negative experience Kingfold had.

  2. kingsfold says

    I was more than a little amused to recieve a copy of my report in with the Order of Service this morning – many thanks! You were very quick off the mark in seeing that the report had gone up – I was going to send you a card to let you know it was published, but you beat me to it!
    And I liked the crack at the end “If you’re the mystery worshipper, welcome back.” I should probably tell you that I’ve been back more than once since I submitted that report, and on each occasion people have been very welcoming, but without being over-bearingly so. There’s a fine balance between being welcomed and being suffocated by attention because you’re new/a visitor, which is highly off-putting. Your congregation seem to have got it about right, I think.

  3. I read Kingsfold’s report, too. It’s been nearly 9 years ago, but I was welcomed
    nicely at St Mary’s and was invited to lunch after the service by a member – invited to her flat to enjoy a simple meal with other St Mary’s members. Glad to see this genuine hospitality continues!

  4. And we even sang Kingsfold this morning too….

  5. irishpisky says

    We came for the first time, with friends on Palm Sunday last year and have never looked back!

  6. Don’t think you should have lost marks for the car alarm going off. A film reviewer wouldn’t give a movie a poor review because of projection problems.

  7. kingsfold says

    “And we even sang Kingsfold this morning too….”
    Funnily enough, I noticed that. I enjoyed it!

  8. As one of the regular thurifers, I do hope Kingsfold will not be put off be the occaisional Sundays that we do have incense at Sung Eurcharist.

  9. Just read the report by the previous Mystery Worshipper – Diapason – for Easter Festival Evensong in 2007. As a Sunday when we had a ceilidh.

    You can also read it at Ship of Fools.

  10. kingsfold says

    Oh no, I’m not going to be put off by incense – I love the stuff and have even been know to swing a thurible myself. I know you use incense from time to time but it wasn’t in use at that particular service.

  11. The odd thing is, I think it was in use at that service, but just at the offertory.

    It was discreet incense. Nothing vulgar. Incense you would want to take home and introduce to your mother.

  12. David |daveed| says

    Since I was an international and interdenominational student at a respected United Methodist seminary (Perkins School of Theology, SMU, Dallas, TX, USA) my Worship & Liturgy studies did not cover the fine points of Anglo-Catholic ritual. How does one determine when and where to use incense? Or for that matter, all the other fine points of high Anglican Mass? Are there service manuals with instruction?

    Things have a tendency to stay simple here in Mexico. We are but 12+ years weened from mother church, TEC, with the major setback of our first primate and another bishop absconding with millions of dollars and vanishing, our services are still pretty much TEC BCP in Spanish.

  13. David daveed – the best quick primer on TEC BCP ceremonial that I know of is Dennis Michno’s “A Priest’s Handbook,” subtitled “The Ceremonies of the Church”. I doubt it’s printed in Spanish, but you seem fluent in English, so no worries! You can probably find a copy on eBay or, barring that, has it for $23 US.

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