They’re pretty cool; good that people who read your blog in far flung places can now know what you look like! Hope they’re in addition to and not instead of the old ones however.
You can change your gravatar at Chris. I don’t set any but my own. Your pic has obviously been registered there at sometime or another, or possibly picked up from blogger, or some other blogging platform that you’ve uploaded your pic to.
It is the same pic that you appear as if you comment on other blogs (like Fr Madpriest’s blog). That is the idea. One pic that is your visual identity all over the net.
Clever, isn’t it?
My gravatar, by the way, comes from a window in Mother Ruth’s church called The Soul of David was knit with the Soul of Jonathan. Yes, that is what they must be doing – knitting.
Not sure – but I have changed it to another picture – which unusually for me is of me. Still not come up though (must have been an intense thurible day.
It also works on firefox with others themes, suggesting it is a CSS issue with this theme. However, I am puzzled as to why it is displaying some gravatars and not Stewart’s.
Stewart – you can see all the pictures if you click on whatever picture it is you have at the top and then you will see the next one and so on and so on. I just tried to see if that would work and it did.
The spectacles are very clean looking – they could almost belong to an American person. 8 out of 10.
I think they don’t work…
Not in Internet Explorer, anyway.
Looks OK in Firefox and in Chrome but not in IE7 – no image.
Ta – I’ll try to sort out why.
I can’t see them in IE7.
There. Sorted, I think.
Reports please.
That’s working now. I like them all, bar one. The one with you smiling.
They’re pretty cool; good that people who read your blog in far flung places can now know what you look like! Hope they’re in addition to and not instead of the old ones however.
My particular thanks to GS for taking the pics which have then been carved up to make the headers.
The old ones are taking a rest, but will return, no doubt in time.
Cool. What’s the deal with the funny wee pictures beside comments? I have one but nobody else does – not even you! – which is strange.
Plus, how many different headers are there? Like the praying, vestmenty one
There are 11 headers at the moment.
The images are gravatars, I think which seem to have appered when I upgraded the theme this afternoon.
What’s with the feet? Is it the perfect black shoes thingy?
And why, pray, do I appear as myself? I only left the comment to see what avatar I’d get!
You can change your gravatar at Chris. I don’t set any but my own. Your pic has obviously been registered there at sometime or another, or possibly picked up from blogger, or some other blogging platform that you’ve uploaded your pic to.
It is the same pic that you appear as if you comment on other blogs (like Fr Madpriest’s blog). That is the idea. One pic that is your visual identity all over the net.
Clever, isn’t it?
My gravatar, by the way, comes from a window in Mother Ruth’s church called The Soul of David was knit with the Soul of Jonathan. Yes, that is what they must be doing – knitting.
Mine’s Venom.
Nice teeth, nice specs, nice hair. Nice.
Knitting. That explains so much.
Yes, they’re working now .Very nice. Love the shoes. 🙂
Shoes have not come round yet – is the a gallery of images available to view?
My Blogger image has not come through, so it mat not be where this may not be where the gravatars are coming from.
As this blog is powered by WordPress, I have put an image on my wordpress account. No joy yet!
Well, it is working now, Stewart, if what you have uploaded is a black square…
Nope – it is not a black square; it is
Well, perhaps it captures the view you get when you are in the smoke with your eyes closed against the soot.
Not sure – but I have changed it to another picture – which unusually for me is of me. Still not come up though (must have been an intense thurible day.
Stewart, a smoky train is exactly what I see as your avatar!
Oooh, how exciting. Stewart’s Avatar is working in IE7 and not in Firefox.
Now can someone tell me whether that is anything to do with me and the settings on this blog? I think it might not be.
It also works on firefox with others themes, suggesting it is a CSS issue with this theme. However, I am puzzled as to why it is displaying some gravatars and not Stewart’s.
ry clearing your cache. That was the final step for me after finding my way into gravatar – had not realised that I had activated pictures there.
Aha! Steam restored.
I’m still getting a black square (on IE) :-(. Your avatar’s working, though, David.
The black shoes seem to lack shine! Tsk!
Clear your browser cache, Ryan.
Thanks, now working. Cool picture Stewart!
I AM my avatar!
Stewart – you can see all the pictures if you click on whatever picture it is you have at the top and then you will see the next one and so on and so on. I just tried to see if that would work and it did.
The spectacles are very clean looking – they could almost belong to an American person. 8 out of 10.
I like all the new header pics except the closeups of the eyes are kind of creepy. The Provost is watching you . . .