New Header Pics

What do you think?


  1. I think they don’t work…

    Not in Internet Explorer, anyway.

  2. Kennedy says

    Looks OK in Firefox and in Chrome but not in IE7 – no image.


  3. Ta – I’ll try to sort out why.

  4. Moyra says

    I can’t see them in IE7.

  5. There. Sorted, I think.

    Reports please.

  6. Moyra says

    That’s working now. I like them all, bar one. The one with you smiling.

  7. They’re pretty cool; good that people who read your blog in far flung places can now know what you look like! Hope they’re in addition to and not instead of the old ones however.

  8. My particular thanks to GS for taking the pics which have then been carved up to make the headers.

  9. The old ones are taking a rest, but will return, no doubt in time.

  10. Cool. What’s the deal with the funny wee pictures beside comments? I have one but nobody else does – not even you! – which is strange.

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