New Header Pics

What do you think?


  1. Plus, how many different headers are there? Like the praying, vestmenty one

  2. There are 11 headers at the moment.

    The images are gravatars, I think which seem to have appered when I upgraded the theme this afternoon.

  3. What’s with the feet? Is it the perfect black shoes thingy?

  4. And why, pray, do I appear as myself? I only left the comment to see what avatar I’d get!

  5. You can change your gravatar at Chris. I don’t set any but my own. Your pic has obviously been registered there at sometime or another, or possibly picked up from blogger, or some other blogging platform that you’ve uploaded your pic to.

    It is the same pic that you appear as if you comment on other blogs (like Fr Madpriest’s blog). That is the idea. One pic that is your visual identity all over the net.

    Clever, isn’t it?

    My gravatar, by the way, comes from a window in Mother Ruth’s church called The Soul of David was knit with the Soul of Jonathan. Yes, that is what they must be doing – knitting.

  6. ;-).

    Mine’s Venom.

  7. Nice teeth, nice specs, nice hair. Nice.

  8. Elizabeth says

    Knitting. That explains so much.

  9. Yes, they’re working now .Very nice. Love the shoes. 🙂

  10. Shoes have not come round yet – is the a gallery of images available to view?

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