Morning Prayer, anyone?

Remember the post I made about liturgical typography? It still gets plenty of readers. Even though it was a bit of a rant, it did spur me on to produce quite a lot of wee bookies for morning prayer, to make it easier for those coming for the Daily Office at 0930.

It is a quiet service. Psalms, readings, silence. Keeping some kind of rhythm in prayer is one of the gifts that the church offers people which is like a best kept secret. We make it too hard for people a lot of the time, I fear. Too many page turns and too many things to look up. No wonder people turn to the Buddhists!

I’ve learned a bit from the meditation practices of the East, but I still find that praying a rhythm of words is what I want to come back to as the backbone of a spiritual life.

Increasingly, I think, churches are going to be successful if they teach people basic spirituality. By that I mean giving people the tools to form a spiritual life that is doable.

In that spirit, I wonder whether anyone might like a copy of the daily office that we will be praying through Advent. Here is is in pdf form. You can print it out yourself or steal one from church if you must.

If you spot any mistakes, do let me know so that it can be corrected.

At St Mary’s, we try to keep the rhythm of the psalms by waiting for a wee pause for breath at the star in the middle of the verses.

That wee pause for breath is what Advent is all about, after all.


  1. Sophie says

    Thank you so much for posting the daily office for Advent. Working at the other side of the city prevents me from ever coming to morning prayer at St Mary’s. I really enjoy the cycle of the liturgical year so it is a great pleasure that I shall be able to participate in it from home. Maybe this is something you could repeat at other times in the year – I cannot be the only person who will appreciate it.

  2. fiona macdonald says

    Hi Kelvin, thanks for the pdf – I think you are right about churches and spirituality. I spent several years exploring eastern ideas and practices, never linking christianity and spirituality at all. It’s been a lovely discovery to find the spirituality of christianity, but I had to work quite hard to get there. It’s often hidden. Have you any suggestions for using the material at home? Should it be read silently? How to find space in crowded domestic life to do this? thanks again, Fiona.

  3. Kelvin says

    Hi Fiona

    Thanks for your comment.

    I’ll write a new post later today about some of the things which might be helpful.

    Rhythm, space, focus and light all come to mind.


  1. […] time this Advent to sit and wait, in urgency still maybe, but also in calm and peace.  Over on Kelvin’s bloghe has posted a link to a user friendly Advent Morning Prayer, if you are not in the habit of making […]

  2. […] this Advent?  Shop and spend and fret and get anxious?  I am spending mornings with the help of Fr Kelvin’s Morning Prayer.  (Just a pity our Liturgy Committee haven’t done something similar by […]

  3. […] Fiona asked me some good questions on my previous post about Morning Prayer. […]

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