It was quite a busy weekend at St Mary’s last week. It was also a busy weekend on the wireless.
My colleague the Rev Shona Lillie has provided a couple of services for Radio Scotland for their New Every Morning Strand. You generally need to be up pretty early to hear these broadcasts. Though if you are quick, you can catch the latest on the BBC iPlayer until Sunday when it will be replaced by a service done by someone else. Note that the music is not ours – the Beeb fit that in from their archives rather than come and record us for this one.
You could hear the choir on Sunday evening on Sunday half-hour doing some Advent music. I had the joy of hearing it live, but it was still a treat to go home and hear some of it again. The iPlayer will also give you this, if you are in this country.
And if you are not in this country, here is a taste of what you missed. It is Paul Manz’s Advent motet, E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come.
And if you were not at the Advent Carol Service, perhaps you were watching Songs of Praise from Linlithgow. If you were, you would have seen Rona from the choir playing the oboe. And what’s this? Oh yes, Greg of the wonderful Jiggers Ceilidh Band was playing the guitar, if I’m not much mistaken. Catch them both again on the iPlayer.
St Michael’s, Linlithgow did look rather as though it had been attacked by an all too eager lighting designer. Even though it was Advent Sunday, the combination of pink and purple, last seen when Songs of Praise went to Dundee, was a little on the garish side for me.
Rona playing the oboe, with the Edinburgh Singers, is also on Youtube, and I’ve a link to it on my Blog at
Sorry it’s not a Hyperlink, but I seem to have forgotten the HTML code to make it one!
And yes Kelvin, the Paul Manz motet was excellent!
Ah, it is a Hyperlink after all! Oh well.