Carol Service

It was extra seats to pack them in tonight at our Nine Lessons and Carols Service which was wonderful. I’m very grateful to all those who took part. The music was such a treat.

I used to be firmly of the view that the Nine Lessons service was grim, but I guess that it because all I really had to go on was what comes from Kings’ on Christmas Eve which I’ve not really enjoyed for years. I’ve changed my mind completely about the concept since coming here.

We’ve got into the habit of 2 carol services here – an Advent one at the start of Advent and a Christmas one which happens after we have managed to keep Christmas at bay through 4 Sunday mornings of Advent.

Church was packed. Music was glorious. Good news all round.


  1. Ritualist Robert says

    Fr Kelvin, is there a link to a pdf of the order of service so we can all see it?

  2. Kelvin says

    I’ll try to post a pdf later today. I need to pick it up from the office and then bring it home to change it to pdf format. I also need to correct a couple of mistakes before I forget what they were.

    I can’t post everything that was in the people’s hands for copyright reasons, but I’ll see what I can include.

  3. Kelvin says

    It was something like this, Robert.

    Carol Service pdf file

  4. Gordon says
  5. In the service sheet, verse 3 of In the Bleak Midwinter has the wrong words.

    The words as used by Harold Darke, and as sung as a tenor solo last night, from memory are:

    Enough for Him whom Cherubim worship night and day,
    A breast full of milk, and a manger full of hay,
    Enough for Him, whom angels fall down before,
    the ox and ass and camel which adore

    OK, I shall remove my anorak now!

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