Ascension Day

Its Ascension Day today – one of those festivals which is pure joy. We’ll be keeping it with a said Eucharist at 11 am today and also with a Choral Mass tonight. We are having Haydn’s Little Organ Mass complete with the young trebles and full adult choir. For the anthem, we’ll be getting God is gone up by Finzi which is staple fare on Ascension Day in these parts.

Kickoff tonight is 7.30 pm and as usual, all are welcome in this place.


  1. And what a wonderful service it was. The short homily just hit the right mark. The music was absolutely wonderful – from the Simfonia, Trebles and Adults.

    A truly great experience.

  2. Elizabeth says

    Oh, I was sad to miss it! (and Pentecost too – sadly) Christ Church in New Haven did a very nice wee said Eucharist (how many years has it been since I heard Rite 1???!) but I missed the music and general gloriousness of St Mary’s.

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