Speaking to the Proud throng

I feel very privileged to have received an invitation to speak to the crowd at tomorrow’s Pride Scotia march in Edinburgh. That means that I will be speaking unto the crowd at 1230 ish from the upper-deck of an open topped bus outside the City Chambers in Edinburgh.

Scottish Episcopalians who want to join the march together are encouraged to meet at the top of Carrubers Close at 12 noon. Carrubers Close is the set of steps up from Jeffrey Street to the Royal Mile which have Old St Paul’s side entrance half way up. Kimberly will be waiting at the top of the stairs to rally the troops. Dress: clerical shirt (optional) + ear plugs + white knot + rainbows. (Steal the regalia from a Cursillista if necessary). Straight friends and family members are particularly welcome.

I’ll be speaking about the worldwide white knot movement seeking equal rights for gay and lesbian couples to tie the knot.


  1. Don’t fret about finding rainbow regalia and white knots. Just come to the top of the OSP steps where I will have ribbons enough for all. (must remember to buy pins…)

    Do you think next year, as well as a church stall, we should offer an Introverts Support Corner? Perhaps Fr Ian would offer OSP as sanctuary? Deep breath… and keep saying ‘this will be fun…’

  2. RosemaryHannah says

    Of course it will be fun. Just think, everybody who is not a priest will be in wonderful colourful or totally relaxed clothes, and you will be stuck in a black shirt with a dog collar – how could ANYBODY not have fun under these circumstances???

  3. RosemaryHannah says

    p.s. Max says he is ALWAYS stuck in a dog collar…..

  4. ooh, is Max coming? or the lovely Bridget? I suppose it will be too warm.

    As for the rest of your message, Rosemary, it’s so nice to be understood.

  5. Excellent opportunity for a rainbow-flag cope, though :-).

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