Hey look, the Sun newspaper has picked up the Equal Marriage story from yesterday.
They seem to be using a jollier picture of me than Scotland on Sunday used. And with a brilliant sense of irony that will be lost on most readers, they’ve used a pic from my photoshoot at the Scottish Wedding Show a couple of years ago. Excellent!
I can’t remember being in the Currant Bun before.
It seems that gays are flavour of the month on Scottish Christian blogs, see the end of this thread: http://www.catholictruthscotland.com/blog/?p=1698#comments
It seems that ‘sibling’ is stirring up the homophobes, is s/he an anglican?
Oops should that be a capital ‘A’?
I do try not to read the catholictruthsciotland blog. It does nothing for one’s devotions. I’ve no idea who sibling is.
Indeed the prudence of a devout pastor