Filming of the Glasgow Gospel

Two hours out of a busy week were given over to filming in the cathedral this afternoon. It was for a new production of The Glasgow Gospel taken from Jamie Stuart’s Glasgow Bible.

As I have such an obvious grasp of the local vernacular (being a prized after-dinner speaker and raconteur in lallans) I was even accorded a speaking part.

The scene that we were filming was where the boy Jesus goes missing and is found in the Temple in discussion with religious leaders. Thus it was that the minister of Glasgow’s High Kirk, the moderator of Presbytery, a Roman Catholic priest, two Salvation Army cadets and a Baptist were huddled together with me in the choir stalls. Our instruction was to look as though we were having an animated conversation. Those with robes were encouraged to wear them, so out came the Cope of Glory, which just might have given me the appearance of the High Priest Caiaphas.

A few scenes are being distributed with the Herald newspaper next Thursday. The whole thing will be ready sometime in the autumn.

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