I spent part of this afternoon at the 25th anniversary of Glasgow SPRED. Know what that is? I certainly didn’t, but I do now. It is an initiative in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese and it was lovely to spend the afternoon in the company of the RC Church at its best.
To be precise, the mission of SPRED is:-
* to form small communities of faith in parishes to welcome children and adults with learning disabilities.
* to provide an appropriate method of catechesis
* to foster full inclusion in assemblies of worship
This afternoon, invited guests were present at an ecumenical service in the SPRED tradition. It is not often that I get to encounter the holy in simplicity. My way to God is usually through lots of words – lovely words, complicated words, sung words. Today that was all pared down to the utter essentials. Simplicity, routine, friendship and love that was utterly real were the order of the day.
Do go have a look at the SPRED website. This work ought to be better known.
Sounds wonderful. If only I and others had known of this when working in the East of Scotland with adults with learning difficulties. They have much to teach us.
Thank you for being an Episcopalian willing to share this SPRED occasion with them, Kelvin, and for sharing it here with us.
The labels shouldn’t matter, but your presence, willingness, effort, energy and understanding are most extraordinarily precious gifts. Given, and shared.
Thank you.