There was a lot of radio to catch up on last night. Firstly, there was St Ninian’s Cathedral in Perth doing the big live broadcast on Radio 4 at 0810. It was great to hear familiar & unfamiliar voices on the radio and imagine the place all miked up. (St Ninian’s is where I did my curacy). The scratch of a match being lit to light the first Advent candle was inspired. You can listen again here.
Then in the evening, there was Sunday Half Hour, most of which had been recorded in one Episcopal Church or another. The featured choir was Glasgow Chamber Choir – several of whom are well kent faces in St Mary’s. They were recorded in St Margaret’s, Newlands and were inspired to great things by their musical director, Michael Bawtree, who also happens to be the organist at St Margaret’s.
Sneaking into the mix was an advent carol from St Mary’s. The cathedral choir could be heard singing People Look East at the Advent Carol Service last night and then on Radio 2 if you got home in time.
Sunday Half Hour can be heard again here.
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