The List

The list of candidates for the election of a new Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway has now been published.

They are:
The Ven Dr John Applegate
The Very Rev Canon Dr Gregor Duncan
The Rev Canon Dr Alison Peden


  1. David | Dah•veed says

    Are you sure that you got all of those titles correct?

    How to really annoy Anglican clergy
    You can offer whiskey instead of Gin – some Anglican clergy find that slightly irksome. You can deny the validity of Anglican sacraments – Anglican clergy without a sense of humour can find that irritating. But if you really want to annoy Anglican clergy … get their titles wrong! Anglican clergy basically all earn the same – so titles are what distinguishes the men from the boys – or whatever the inclusive version of that is.

    Right Revenerends, Most Reverends, Very Reverends, Canons, Venerables, Doctors, Archdeacons, Deacons, Rural Deans, Deans, Non-stipendiary acting priest assistants, Locally Licensed Ordained Non-stipendiary Assistant Ministers, Vicars, Vicar-General, Deputy Vicar General, Priests in Charge, Presiding Bishops, Senior Bishops, Archbishops, Deacon Assistants, Ministry Educators, Chaplains, … the list goes on …

    Each with their title, abbreviation, appropriate address, order of titles … dress and insignia.

    Anglican clergy may not know their Greek Aorist from their Dative, but years of training make certain that one doesn’t confuse The Ven. Canon Dr. with The Very Rev. Mr. Or get the order of those titles wrong! The minute a priest is collated (and never confuse ordination, induction, collation, installation, licensing,…!!), out go all the old letterheads and visiting cards to be replaced by flashier ones with new titles and the latest popular font.

    H/T to the Rev’d Bosco Peters, Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

    Do I see the potential for Scotland’s first female Bishop? Is she Scotland’s first female candidate?

  2. Kelvin says

    I think I’ve got the titles correct. No-one knows the correct use of their title (and indeed their correct place in the procession) like clergy.

    Alison Peden is the first candidate to appear on such a list in Scotland who happens to be female, I think.

  3. Jeremy Auld says

    Mmm…not sure about the use of ‘Very Rev” and “Canon” in the same title. Thought “Canon” got dropped because anyone who is “Very Rev” is ex officio a canon anyway.

    • Thanks Jeremy. I’m inclined to agree that “The Very Rev Canon” is a little fussy.

      The trouble is, we have like likes of the Very Rev, the Dean of Moray’s nonsense to contend with these days. He thinks he isn’t a canon, for some reason which still escapes me.

      See his comments on this post over at Mother Ruth’s place.

  4. OK, I concede defeat over my status as Canon, for I received my official Christmas Card from the General Synod Office this morning addressed to “Rev Canon” – so you must be right!

  5. David | Dah•veed says

    Perhaps it should be The Very Revd, the Canon Cliff Piper.

  6. fr dougal says

    Very Rev Canon is correct in the RC Church. Rev Canon is correct Anglican. Deans are members of Chapter ex offico, so are not referred to as Canon.

    Surely in Glasgow the normal form of address is “Haw you, Holy Willie”

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