This volcano business is making a mess of my procession planning for Friday.
The Blog of the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow
This volcano business is making a mess of my procession planning for Friday.
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Does your Primus have a primatial staff?
+TEC’s is much more subtle than +IARCA ‘s.
I think that +MartÃn watches TV with his when he is at home. (You could put an eye out with that thang!)
BTW, MartÃn survived an assassination attempt a few weeks back.
And will be stepping down in June.
No, the Primus will use the Diocesan Crozier when he enters the church, as he is the Diocesan at that point. Once he is consecrated, the new bishop will use it.
Height is the only neat way to do it surely.
Now that’d be tremendous fun – especially if you sorted EVERYONE, regardless of role or outfit, by height – we have some very fine short treble choristers as well as taller varieties of servers, clerics and choristers – some cheat in heels, of course, especially clerics – so you might need to stipulate “polished, black and FLAT” – but, me oh my – once height-arranged, think of the resultant glorious mixed medley of colours……….. and the nightmares of getting the gradations in order !
(…..and HOURS of endless fun getting them to their designated seats from their processional order…… and probably DAYS getting the order right for getting out again……)
(…oooooh – what fun there’ll be in heaven, eh !)
Or weight…
Wait an’ see it is, then, Provost !
“the Primus will use the Diocesan Crozier when he enters the church, as he is the Diocesan at that point. ”
Isn’t this a tad metropolitical? I thought SEC was keen to point out that it doesn’t have an archbishop.
Well, I might have been overegging it to say that the Primus was the Diocesan. He certainly bears that authority on behalf of the College of Bishops at that moment. The Primus or the College of Bishops can ask another bishop to look after a diocese during an Episcopal vacancy, so it isn’t automatically the Primus. It is also common these days for a Bishops’ Commissary to be appointed in a vacant diocese – someone who has the authority of a bishop to exercise many Episcopal functions. (They can’t ordain or confirm, for example but can make many decisions). In this case, Gregor was the commissary.
One of the obvious differences in the liturgy in Scotland that results from the absence of a Metropolitan is that after the actual consecration in the service, the Primus steps back and takes his place amongst the rest of the College of Bishops. It is the new Bishop who presides at the Eucharist and comes at the back of the procession on the way out.
Someone has to look after a diocese during such a vacancy and in our case it was indeed Bishop David.
There was a time when all the College of Bishops would have carried croziers at a consecration, but now the convention around here seems to be that a bishop only uses a crozier when in his or her own diocese.
[That’s sticks dealt with, don’t get me started on hats…]
I am not sure of Canada’s system, but for those of us with a TEC heritage, the diocesan Standing Committee holds the ecclesiastical authority in the absence of a diocesan bishop and makes the decisions during the interim, but makes arrangements for a bishop (retired, suffragan, neighboring ordinary) to attend to the episcopal functions.