Volcano, ash, processions

This volcano business is making a mess of my procession planning for Friday.


  1. Ash Friday, eh?

  2. Ash everyday!

  3. Sackcloth and ashes?

  4. You’d think there’s be a prescribed form of head-covering for the occasion…

  5. I have a lovely lacy parasol that could protect the bishop elect!

  6. David | Dah•veed says

    OK, I am lost. What is happening Friday that merits an out-of-doors procession. A party? What? Share? Inquiring minds would like to know.

    So are you all experiencing an ashfall similar to the folks in Iceland? I am sorry. That makes for the whole outside being dirty, gritty and unpleasant. (We have many active volcanos in Mexico.)

    Here is to hoping it stops, and then that you get a quick, great rainfall Thursday night to wash it all away and dry up with the sunrise.

    • We are consecrating a new bishop on Friday. The closing of so many airports this week has played havoc with the guest list, causing much reviewing of the order of processions and where people will sit.

  7. David | Dah•veed says

    In response to Tim’s comment;


  8. Ooh, does that mean there’s some spare tickets? 😉

  9. I hate those ecclesiastical processions 🙁

    Following our Lord’s comment that the first shall be last and the last shall be first……

    “Oh, I’m much more humble than you – I have to be further back. Lay readers at the front, non-stipendiaries next ……….”

  10. I know, Mike, though there does need to be a way of getting a large bunch of people efficiently into a building and not have them scrambling for seats when they get there.

    Here in Glasgow, the diocesan clergy are not divided into stipendiaries or non-stipendiaries. Nor are people lined up according to the length of their service as clerics, as I’ve seen in some places.

    Although there is a hierarchical element, it is also, here at least, also partly a hierarchy of role in the service. Thus, a number of people (mc, deacon and subdeacon) will all come in behind the College of Bishops.

    Procession here is also different coming out to going in. Going in, the Primus comes at the back, going out the new Bishop will go at the back and the Primus will rejoin the rest of the College.

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