Commercial Break

We interrupt our usual coverage to bring you a short commercial break.


  1. David | Dah•veed says

    ¡Muchas felicidades Señores! ¡Muchas felicidades!

  2. Rosemary Hannah says


    But not very snazzy dress for a wedding 😉

  3. susan s. says

    Absolutely love this!

  4. Father Evangel says


  5. Aw, sweeeet. Love it.

  6. Elizaeth says

    I watched this on a PC without speakers, so i don’t know what it sounded like, but the visual was enough! So Lovely.

  7. Great. Just great. Loved it. 🙂

  8. A very witty piece of editing, which makes the point very effectively. Made me smile with joy.

  9. David | Dah•veed says

    Elizabeth, the background music is Cindi Lauper’s True Colors, but I have no idea who is singing it in this video.

  10. @David Ane Brun, a Norwegian singer, in this version.

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