What’s in Kelvin’s Tooth

If its Tuesday, it must be root canal treatment and another session of gazing into the eyes of Stylianos whilst he does things inside my mouth which feel like someone is twanging a rubber band behind my nose.


After some time poking and twanging, Stylianos shakes his head sadly and says, “No, the infection is still there – you come again. One more time”.

I watch Stylianos’s eyebrows for a bit as he puts in another temporary filling

And so I await another session when, hopefully, the infection will be gone and we can close up the tooth for good.


  1. What is the tooth?

  2. office manager says

    Pilate may have been jesting, but I don’t think the Provost is. I’ve been there – but I fell asleep during the drilling & scraping!

  3. ChickPea says

    aaaawww heck. Poor you. All sympathy……………. x

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