Concert and Ceilidh

Just a shameless plug for our goings on this weekend. On Saturday evening  there is a concert at St Mary’s featuring a choir from the Cathedral church of our companion diocese, Gothenburg in Sweden.  I keep being told how good they are so it promises to be a great concert.

On Sunday, in addition to the normal services we are having a ceilidh, in part to show our Swedish friends how we have a good time in churches in Scotland. (What do you mean your church doesn’t push aside the furniture after Choral Evensong and have a hooley?) Glorious Choral Evensong at 6.30 pm. Easy ceilidh dancing from about 7.30 pm – as soon as we can move the choir stalls and get the music going.

Tickets for the ceilidh can be bought on the door or at this link. Its great that folk are using paypal to pay for tickets, and I know that tickets have been sold that way to folk from other parts of the diocese including Largs and Bishopbriggs. There’s plenty more for sale still and folk from all corners of the diocese are welcome.

Its £5 per person or £10 per household. There is also a facebook page where you can declare your delight in coming and invite others, here.

If you would like some physical tickets to sell to friends, pals, workmates or the General Public, just let me know.


  1. ChickPea says

    DO come along and join us – Kelvin has been working his socks off for these events, and it’d be great if you can be a part of what will be a grand weekend. (I hear rumours that he’s dusting off his dancin’ shoes even as you read this, an’ he trips a fine light fantastic to gladden any ceilidh-caller’s heart).

    A hOctober Hooley is just the thing to banish the Glasgow Glums and meet new chums !

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