What people are searching for

Latest interesting list of search enquiries which have led people to this blog:


  • Lammastide sermon
  • virgin mary knitting
  • churches for gay people
  • scottish episcopal tartan
  • collective noun for midgie
  • how to strip tease for beginners

I hope that all were satisfied by what they found here. Especially the last one.


  1. Some of these ring a bell, but am deeply curious as to what the the Scottish Episcopal Tartan is! Creation of the (divinely-inspired?) knitting-group? 🙂

  2. Brother David says

    Do you teach that last topic personally Padre, or have you farmed that out to others more expert?


  3. I may take exception to the idea that anyone is more expert.

  4. Rosemary Hannah says

    All I know about strip-tease for beginners is that blokes need to remember to take their socks off as the first item. Really.

  5. Never let it be said that the comments on this blog do not contain the world’s greatest wisdom

  6. Brother David says

    The only time that I recall my Roberto, of blessed memory, taking off his socks, was when bathing or swimming!

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