There has been some correspondence regarding the animal blessing service which takes place at 1030 on 1 October 2011. Firstly, Freda has been in touch on behalf of Misty who cannot be there on the day and asks what can be done. Well, actually the request is more specific than that. Freda says that Misty asks whether it would be possible for her to send a kerchief in advance which could be blessed at St Mary’s and then sent back for Misty to wear on the day.
I can think of no real theological objection to this as the apostle Paul was in the kerchief business and what’s good enough for him must surely be good enough for us.
Here is a picture of Misty looking cute. Not only has this pic been used by Freda, but it also featured in Madpriest’s Dog of the Day feature. I fear that kerchief or no kerchief, all this publicity may go to her head.
I did find myself wondering whether it might be worth recording a video blessing for those unable to be there.
News then comes in from Ruth at Broccoli Web Design (to distinguish her from Ruth, Our Lady Queen of Falkirk) regarding Opal the cat’s interaction with St Mary’s video ministry.
It transpires that Opal initially was greatly moved by my preaching but seems to be enjoying the sermons of John Riches more these days.
It would appear that when it comes to blessings, Opal is of the view that it is better to give than to receive and can be seen above very clearly blessing the preacher whilst watching the sermon.
Do not underestimate the profound significance of such a theological understanding.
We are prepared to bless them, after all, because they first bless us.
You’re sounding a tad Christopher Smart this morning …