Creative morning coming up

The intention today is to spend a creative morning looking at upcoming issues of inspires, the magazine of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

I’m trying to apply a broad theme to the magazines at the moment and so far as I can tell this seems to be appreciated by the readers.

Upcoming themes are Journey/Pilgrimage/Place, The Communion (Anglican and Otherwise) and something on buildings/sacred space. I’ve a notion that we’ve not really done much on liturgy and I’m going to be discussing some ideas with a couple of other people today.

I rather like doing this work but being the Editor of a magazine and running a cathedral are not always terrible compatible occupations. Deadlines and the liturgical year don’t always play nicely together.

I’m always so grateful to the writers of the articles. Some people have the gift of generous writing – fast, accurate and interesting.

They are a delight.

I’ve asked before in the magazine itself whether people want to suggest themes for issues and two of the themes listed above come from people’s suggestions.

Anyone want to make a suggestion here? Feel free in the comments below.


  1. Current and future marriage. The history of the Episcopal Church in relation to marriage and the state. We are living in tumultuous times with regard to change in this area of the churches life.
    Other topics might include on line outreach and ministry and just how effective or not it is or might be..
    A review of Organs might be interesting. Who has one which is notable for any reason. Where one might find the biggest one or the best?

  2. Rosemary Hannah says

    Music – kinds of, ways with, what to do when no organist, recordings to inspire, churches making, etc etc. The fact it is not my starter for 10 matters not

  3. annie t says

    ‘The changing face of Scottish ecumenism’. OK, I grant you it may sounds as though it might be a purely ‘inhouse’ subject – but in fact I am frequently struck/challenged/humbled by the comments others ‘outwith the institutional church’ make about this topic. Like a taxi driver this very day in fact. Worth pondering?

  4. Robert McLean says

    Perhaps something on mission at home and abroad. Something perhaps on the role(s) of the Scottish Cathedrals. That might make a self-contained series.

  5. Following on Rosemary’s suggestion: the role of music in awakening/sustaining faith is top of my list, as is the destructive effect of poor music in worship.

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