Deaconings and Priestings

I’m sadly unable to be in St Mary’s this weekend for one of the most significant moments in the year – five people are being ordained at a special service on Saturday afternoon.

These are moments that people remember for the whole of their lives.

My exuberant good wishes to all those being ordained. Some I don’t know terribly well and some I have known at key points on their journey. For all, pray.

For those being made deacon – may you be blessed in God’s service and you serve others.

For those being made priests – remember you were made a deacon first. It remains your foundational ministry. To it, are these blessings added – to bring God to people and people to God in ways sacramental and mysterious.

Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
And lighten with celestial fire
All those being ordained today
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

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