Ordinary Sunday in Eastertide

We’ve a rare ordinary Sunday tomorrow – looking at the diary for the next few weeks it is one high festival after another.

Next Sunday 19 May is Pentecost. The invitation is to everyone to wear national dress if they have it and on that day we all say the Lord’s Prayer in our language. There will be a ceilidh in the evening after Choral Evensong.

The week after, it is Trinity Sunday which will be marked, not least, by a Te Deum at Evensong. After the morning service, Prof John Curtice will be speaking about public opinion and the current proposals to change marriage law to allow same-sex couples to get married.

Corpus Christi follows on the Thursday after that. Some brothers and sisters in the faith seem intent on moving this to the Sunday – don’t know why, we’ve no trouble gathering a crowd for the festivities. We’ll be celebrating with the full ceremonies of the feast, flower petals, procession, Benediction and all and the Bishop of Argyll and The Isles will be with us to preach the word.

Once we’ve enjoyed that delight, we are straight into a month of great wonders as it is the West End Festival. The brochure is out now and I’ll be getting the details all up on the website in due course. There will be more forum meetings than we’ve ever had before (including one with Frikki Walker, who is world-famous around here as our Director of Music) and wall to wall gorgeousness from the choir.

It is hard work having so much fun!


  1. But, but… this Sunday is in no way ordinary time! It is still in Easter!

  2. Wall to wall gorgeousness from the choir – music to my ears! (Perhaps a video one day)?

  3. Augur Pearce says

    I guess the Ascension was celebrated on Ascension Day? Very right and proper; but for those places that can’t achieve a Thursday evening crowd, yesterday would have been a high festival too!

    • I’ve never been in a church that didn’t keep Ascension on Ascension Day and I’m wondering why there are churches that don’t.

      Is it that the people stopped coming because it wasn’t done well or because they are too lazy to turn out or is there some other reason?

      There is a curious habit in this diocese of having joint regional services on Ascension Day in some of our regions. This has never made me think any better of our regional system.

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