Palm Sunday Procession 2014

Here’s a wee video of the Palm Sunday Procession at St Mary’s this year.

I promised people something extra this year. For some reason, people thought I had booked a donkey.

Well, anyone can book a donkey.

Here’s what happened. Many thanks to the guys from the wonderful Clanadonia for making this year’s procession so memorable.


  1. Rita kitten didn’t like the bagpipes, I’m afraid, and burnt her tail on a candle trying to find them to see them off.

  2. Serena Culfeather says

    Brrrrrrilliant!!!! And what a lot of people – I started to suspect they were doing laps!!

    (so much less cleaning afterwards than with a donkey!)

  3. Tom Lowe says

    Excellent! And, a good diversity of people.

    God Bless

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