I’ve been away from St Mary’s for the last week or so travelling, so no time to write much. However, I did take a lot of photographs and thought I would post one or two things here which made me think. As usual, comments welcome.
Pictures to think about #1
06/09/2014 By 5 Comments
Hope you had a refreshing holiday and avoided this ghastly Italian kitsch.i hope The Pope doesn’t turn out to be a plaster Saint.I look forward to the rest of your holiday snaps.god bless Scotland and may the right decision be reached.
The picture certainly has a conglomeration of the weird and wonderful, I like it. Where was it taken, if you have time to answer.
I did find myself thinking – Wherefore art thou.
He looks quite at home there. I love the undoubted fact that the thermometer doubles as an ex-voto sign. For those who miraculously recovered from heart problems or couldn’t read music.