There’s a post advertised in the Church Times this week that it seems appropriate to highlight here too. We’re advertising for a new Canon Missioner for the diocese. This person will have a liturgical base in St Mary’s so as well as going out and about in the diocese, will be taking part in things here too. The primary task is to support the bishop in his role as leader of mission in the diocese. One of the things that the person will be working on is connecting the cathedral and the rest of the diocese together.
It is quite an exciting job opportunity. Details will be in the Church Times for three weeks and the closing date is the end of the month.
Here’s the advert:
Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway
Canon Missioner
A full time, three year, clergy appointment is required for the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway in the Scottish Episcopal Church, line managed by the Diocesan Bishop, reporting to Diocesan Council and the Bishop’s Staff Group.
The principal duties will be to support the Diocesan Bishop’s role as leader of mission and be responsible for organising education, training and development for those in licensed and authorised ministry in the Diocese. You will give oversight for Continuing Ministry Development and Ministry Development Review. In the tasks necessary for numerical growth you will motivate clergy and others to identify and encourage mission and growth opportunities with the congregations of the Diocese as they develop their Mission Action Planning. You will have regular liturgical involvement with St. Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow.
An application pack giving full details is available from: The Office Manager, Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, 5 St. Vincent Place Glasgow
Tel: 0141 221 5720 or by Email: to
Completed application forms including a CV, are invited by 31st January 2015
Sounds like a canny Canon will make sure this is not Mission er Impossible.