A Question about Marriage and the Bible – can you help

I’ve been asked an interesting question by the Vice Provost, the Rev Cedric Blakey this week.

The question is this – or at least something like this:

If one were in conversation with a couple considering marriage, which married couples from the bible would you cite as good examples of marriage based on the biblical evidence.

Let us make this easy and restrict things to couples in the bible who could be said to be married in the form that so many people want to tell me is the biblical model for marriage – ie one man and one woman, no sex outside marriage.

I’d be interested to hear your suggestions. Which biblical couples affirm this model?


  1. Father David says

    If Dan Brown, rather than the New Testament is to be believed then, how about, Jesus and Mary of Magdala? Or, to be more Orthodox – Jesus and His Bride – the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?

  2. Father David says

    Not at all silly if you take seriously the Revelation of St. John the Divine and the penitential season of Advent. “Wake, O Wake!” Dean Kelvin “The hour has come, we hear them saying, where are ye all, ye virgins wise? The Bridegroom comes in sight, Raise high your torches bright! Alleluia! The wedding song swells loud and strong; Go forth and join the Festal throng.” So, do please make sure that you have oil in your lamp to keep on burning and be ye not numbered among the foolish virgins.
    Alternatively, how about the anonymous couple who were married at the Wedding Feast at Cana? Simply because they are not named they could stand for each and every married couple willing and ready to make their sacred and binding marriage vows. Judging by the amount of wine that was available post transformation, they must have had one hell of a Wedding Breakfast.

  3. Pam Richmond says

    Perhaps good marriages do not make fascinating stories. Bad or odd marriages, on the other hand…..

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