The UK will begin leaving the EU on 29 March 2019. It will take 10 years to leave, 10 years for it to be evident to the whole country how stupid it was and 10 years to get back in, with none of our current special measures. (Hope this prediction doesn’t come to pass but fear it will).
Well, we didn’t begin leaving on 29 March 2019 but the clock is ticking. Failed prediction
The only thing to make EU-positive lefty-liberals to have pause for thought will be the EU Elections in May which will result in big gains for the so-called populist right.
Well, the populist right did well but not that well. It wasn’t the overwhelming success many predicted. And the liberal left collapsed rather than took notice. Failed prediction.
No progress towards same-sex marriage in the Church of England, despite much clearer calls for it to happen.
No progress but the emergence of the Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England does offer some encouragement. Prediction fulfilled.
Significant concerns in many UK dioceses about the cost of bishops, and particularly their spouses, attending the Lambeth Conference in 2020. (Over £5000 each).
There is undoubtedly concern about this and there’s been some online comment about through the year it but not a major press scandal yet. (Any spouse going to this is complicit in homophobia and expensive homophobia at that). Prediction fulfilled.
Elizabeth Warren / Beto O’Rourke begin to emerge as the Democratic dream ticket.
Beto is out, Warren is still in. No dream ticket. Failed Prediction.
Stricter legislation in connection with drone operators.
New regulations announced. Prediction Fulfilled.
Steps towards legalisation of cannabis under serious consideration within SNP.
SNP did exactly as I predicted. Prediction Fulfilled.
No referendum on Independence.
Prediction Fulfilled
Cyber attacks merging with terrorist attacks.
Difficult to prove who is behind these things but they are increasingly being regarded together by the security services. New legislation adopted in USA to try to combat it. Am claiming this one as a win. Prediction fulfilled
One of Scotland’s daily newspapers ceases print publication.
Not yet. Not yet. Failed prediction.
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