Where their flocks in the fields were abiding
Th’angel of the Lord came and stood down beside them
Opened his mouth and then greatly surprised them:
“Shine Jesus shine. Shine Jesus shine”
Fear not said he for dread had seized them mightily
Minds were troubled, they all worried frightfully
I bring you tidings of gladness eternally
Dance with joy and with me sing supernally…
“Shine Jesus Shine. Shine Jesus Shine.
Unto you is born now a saviour
Who is Christ the Lord and he made you.
He’s of David’s line, a descendent
Sing now to him for his sign is transcendent:
“Shine Jesus Shine. Shine Jesus Shine.”
You shall find the heavenly babe there
To human view he looks lovely and very fair
All simply wrapped in bands that are swaddling
Sing to the child in the manger, the Godling:
“Shine Jesus Shine. Shine Jesus Shine”.
Thus the angel spoke and suddenly
Throngs of angels appeared singing utterly
Beautiful music, their praises lasted long
As they sang forth they repeated the glorious song:
“Shine Jesus Shine. Shine Jesus Shine”
“Glory be now to God in the highest
Peace to God’s people” they sang without shyness
Unto those upon whom his favour rests
With goodwill, may this song be ever blessed:
“Shine Jesus Shine. Shine Jesus Shine”
I dare you
Be careful what you wish for!
For a moment there I was trying to fit the words into the music for the verse’s???? Advent fail!
Just no!
Sung as a Rap song?!
I like it–it seems rather like one of those early-modern-English ballads–but I want to know what the tune is!
There is a clue in the last line of each verse, although it doesn’t quite fit…
I suppose this is what people have to turn to when they don’t have access to ‘Of the Father’s love begotten’. The line, ‘Now he shines, the long-expected’ gets me every time, almost as much as *that* chord in Wilcocks’ last-verse arrangement of O come all ye faithful each time I sing it.