In the middle of the maelstrom of voices talking and shouting about sexuality in the Anglican Communion, some voices are seldom heard. In particular, gay people have found it difficult to be heard and indeed have in some cases been silenced despite repeated promises that they will be listened to.

This video features members of the LGBT group at St Mary's speaking with their own voices. They discuss the congregation, Gene Robinson's visit and some of the international aspects of what we do. It was made as part of an exhibition at Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art. (Yes, it is part of that exhibition that all the fuss has been about). My thanks to Anthony Schrag who produced it and to all those who took part.

The exhibition itself runs at GoMA until 22 August 2009.

The troubles of the Anglican Communion will not even begin to wane until there is a recognition that we too speak with our own voices and drink from our own wells.

What's going on in America?

There is quite a lot going on in the Anglican world this week. The Church of England Synod was meeting, but did not make much headline news, with the exception that they decided not to shift power from committees and boards to bishops. (ie from laity, clergy and episcopacy to episcopacy).

More interesting is what is going on in the States, where the General Convention of the Episcopal Church is taking place. It only happens every three years and is their great decision making body.

The General Convention has passed a resolution which is getting a lot of press at the moment, Resolution D025. It is worth reading what it actually says and not simply relying on other people’s interpretation. (Including mine!)

The American church seems to have decided that honesty is the best policy. They say simply where they are at with events which have become so toxic within Anglicana. They say that they remain fully committed to the Anglican Communion and also that their methods of selecting bishops remain those of their constitution and canons. This means that those who must consent to Episcopal elections must apply their own conscience when giving consents. The Anglican world cannot simply assume that the American church will reject a bishop who happens to be gay, just because Rowan Williams (or anyone else) asks them to.

That does not mean that there will be a sudden rush of gay bishops. Nor should it. It simply means that the American church is being true to who it is. Just as in Scotland, there is plenty of scope within the canonical process to reject someone who happens at any time to be unsuitable to be a bishop. The Americans will use their own polity to determine who can be a bishop and not have some additional extra-canonical process imposed on them.

They are quite right to do so. What holds for them should hold for us.

The Americans have not walked away from the Anglican Communion. They have walked away a little from the idea that the conflict over LGBT issues would disappear if everyone did what Rowan Williams said and adopted the proposals of the Windsor Report. They were right to do so.

The Windsor process has little currency now. The notion that world Anglicanism could be held together by asking churches to discriminate against gay people is shot to pieces.

We need to return to the rather more basic notion that it is devotion to Jesus which holds the potential to unite Christians, not devotion to prejudice. And we must thank God that the Americans have shown us how to make that real.