100 Years at Bridge of Weir

Last Saturday evening I found myself in Bridge of Weir. The choir from St Mary’s Cathedral (well, as many of the choir as could fit) went down to Bridge of Weir Episcopal Church to sing Evensong as part of their centenary celebrations. I went principally because someone was needed to sing the versicles for them to make their responses to. Rose responses, Noble in B Minor, Batten’s O Sing Joyfully, an upbeat sermon from the Dean and hearty hymn singing helped usher a second 100 years in for this congregation.

People often presume that I only like the splendor and the pomp of a big cathedral occasion but then people presume quite a lot of things about me that turn out not to be quite the way things really are. That Evensong was a brilliant way to spend a Saturday evensong, as much for the stories from people over the bunfight as for the worship. Congratulations to the whole congregation at St Mary’s Bridge of Weir and to Colum McGranaghan their priest as they reach this milestone and look forward into the future.