Last night’s concert

Anyone wanting to get a flavour of the Concert for Christchurch that we held last night in St Mary’s can do so by listening to Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme from earlier today.

You can find it online at and the segment you are looking for starts 1 hour, 49 minutes and 45 seconds in. (You can fast forward, so don’t think you have to sit through it all).

Its a really good flavour of what took place, with music an comment clips from Cathedral folk and Kiwi performers and audience members.

My very great thanks to all those who helped last night and a big shout out to Michael Bawtree for organising the musicians and making it all happen.

Busy Day

One of those times where the buildings have been humming with activity for 24 hours. Last night it was a Knowing Me, Knowing you with John Riches, then Morning Prayer to start Saturday. Then a very well attended Prayer and Poetry Worshop. Then a Justice and Aid Network meeting.

All the while, the office has been in use for music administration, work on the Cathedral  inventory, the preparation of the announcement of a new Vice Provost and the biggest admin job of all at the moment, the preparation of a text which the Vestry is proposing to consult the congregation about which may (if the congregation & Bishop in Chapter agree) become a new constitution for the congregation. More details of that after tomorrow, when it will be published in church.

Just another day in the life of St Mary’s.