What’s on your church website right now?

Just a gentle reminder that people are looking for church services and Christmas events to go to right now. (Yes, right this minute. Today. Really.) It is worth asking what they will find if they go to your church website.

One of the things that astonished me last Christmas was hearing people at St Mary’s saying that they had come to us because their local churches were not having any Christmas events or services.

“Oh yes they are!” I replied in true panto style.

“Oh no they’re not!” they replied, “we’ve looked, there’s nothing on their websites”.

The time in the year when people are most eager to try out a new church and most welcome invitations to church seems to be around Christmas. Can I suggest that everyone reading this take a look at their own local church website and if they don’t find the details of the Christmas services prominently displayed, get hold of whoever does their website and very gently and lovingly and with every ounce of Christian compassion you can muster, bend their ear.

That includes those responsible for diocesan websites which give a page to each of their churches. Remember, if those pages are there, google may well find them first. If people find webpages which list churches where the latest news is any older than last month (never mind last year) and where the words “No events at present” are shown in the week before Christmas, it might be said that you can’t really blame them for not turning up.

Times of Christmas services at St Mary’s can be found here. Note that they don’t follow the same pattern as last year. We’re living on the edge, we are. 

Right on the edge.

Carols at the Tron

The Presbytery of Glasgow are having a Carol Service in St George’s Tron on Sunday afternoon.

Details below
Please support this if you are able. From the Presbytery Clerk of Glasgow.

I am pleased to say that a Presbytery Carol Service will be held in St George’s Tron Church of Scotland, Buchanan Street on Sunday 23rd December at 3pm. The guest preacher will be Rt Rev Albert Bogle, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. I would appreciate it if you could publicise this service as widely as possible, by written and verbal intimation (suggested wording below),
encouraging members of your congregation to come and share in this service.

It would be good to show that the living church has not left the building as the former Tron tried to publicise but that the living gospel is alive and well all over Glasgow.

Very Rev Bill Hewitt