Merry What?

Just as a matter of interest, which of these two campaigns do you find offensive, if any?


  1. The alleged Sexmas campaign which is purported to be about to be launched which aims to keep people from unwanted pregnancy and contracting HIV and other STDs. (More details from the usual outraged suspects, for example the Sun and the so-called Christian Institute)
  2. The Merry Pringles campaign which seems to aim to make us poorer and fatter by selling us tasty potato crisps.

I’m interested in this. Which is more offensive to those of us who follow the babe from Bethlehem?

Just asking.

Back to Normal

normalIt does feel rather difficult to get back to normal, whatever normal is. I’ve been neglecting the blog (and everything else) over the last few days.

I love Christmas but I am all too aware that it is very different for me than for most people. This year it has been just lovely. Fabulous music – “worthy of a very musical cathedral”, as someone said to me at morning prayer on St Stephen’s day. It has been lovely to welcome so many people into the building too. Christmas Day is a treat – I love standing at the door and saying hello to so many people whom I just don’t [yet] know.

In my head, I get all ready for Christmas Day and lay in lots of food and plan to cook myself a nice meal after I get home. In the end, I didn’t feel much like it and cooked the fatted hen on Boxing Day instead.

Highlights for me this year were:

  • The excitement of the Carol Service
  • The stillness when we went to almost candlelight at Midnight Mass
  • The singing of While Shepherds Watched to Lyngham – an inspired choice. (Cranbrook next year)
  • The dancebeat of the drum for Ecce Novum on Christmas Day

What about you?