I do like the fact that we have an angel with rainbow wings perched above the High Altar in St Mary’s.
Just saying.
The Blog of the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow
I do like the fact that we have an angel with rainbow wings perched above the High Altar in St Mary’s.
Just saying.
One of the things that I like about living round here is the diversity – lots of different people living cheek by jowl and by and large, getting on pretty well.
Glasgow isn’t a particularly mixed city in comparison to many in the UK, but the square mile that I live in (along with a couple of bits of the far side) is about as mixed as it gets.
This is most gloriously celebrated in the food available. There’s a South American food shop right opposite work, Italian restaurants all over the place, an interesting Persian place that I’ve not tried yet, Solly’s shop full of African fruit and veg, an Ethiopian eatery, several Chinese shops, a great fruit shop run by folk from South India, curry places and small food shops run by people with links to Pakistan and more, no doubt that I’ve forgotten about. Sadly, there is no good bagel shop that I know of this side of the river, which is a pity.
The sign at the top advertising Halal Turkey is in a shop right opposite St Mary’s. Just the thing if you are serving a trad Christmas dinner to a diverse and less trad crowd.
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