To Ardrossan

To Ardrossan on Tuesday evening for the Institution of the new Rector of the North Ayrshire Team ministry the Rev Martin Sofield. It is always exciting to be there when a new ministry starts and Tuesday evening was no exception. All good wishes to Martin as he takes on this new role.

I sometimes wish that there was more chance at these things to hear something from the person themselves. They get to do the intercessions, but that is about all.

I get quite a lot of invitations to institutions and the like and now that the staffing at St Mary’s is making it a bit easier, I’m trying to go to as many things in the diocese that I can like that, if only to make a link between the ministry of the cathedral here and the local ministries wherever they are. The least I can do is to let people in new ministries that we are praying for them.

I never go to an institution without grumpily remembering that I’ve refused the keys at each of my institutions. It is a terrible symbol giving the keys of a church to the priest and one that I’ve had no truck with, to the bewilderment of bishops.