What am I listening to?

Oh, thank you for asking.

Well, the days of listening to CDs seem to be long over, don’t they? I’ve not ditched all the CDs like Chris Pinnock has, but wonder how long I’ll go on with a cupboard full of little boxes.

  • Firstly and most splendidly there’s the Gyndebourne summer online opera festival. Oh yes, you can watch and listen to half a dozen or so glorious Glyndebourne productions. Like all opera should be, they are free at the point of delivery.
  • I briefly got sucked into the gay-country-pap of Steve Grand’s All American Boy the other day until I realised it was just like most representations of gay people in America – doomed to end in tears. (Cheyenne Jackson’s Don’t Wanna Know made me laugh, but it is more of the same – all American gay boys don’t get happy endings to their stories much in America).
  • Then something I saw somewhere reminded me of Alan Price’s O Lucky Man so I had a good listen to that.
  • I also came across Tom Gilfellon’s album In the Middle of the Tune on Spotify – something I’ve not heard since I ditched vinyl – here’s the first track The Banks of Red Roses.
  • Whilst I was getting stuff ready for Pride the other week, I needed some music to cheer me on my way so listened to Holly Near and sang along with Singing for our Lives.
  • Christy Moore’s Before the Deluge doesn’t get tired, does it?
  • Neither does Martin Simpson’s Prodigal Son album.
  • And did you know you can hear Frank Weir’s monumental 20th Century Folk Mass on spotify?  It is really a big band mass, but there you do.

Spotify tried to get me to listen to Val Doonican the other day. I’m not letting on as to whether I did or not though.


Sermon for RSCM Music Sunday

Here’s what I said on Sunday evening for the Royal School of Church Music – Music Sunday Massed Choirs Evensong

Video available here.

Just a few thoughts before our prayers – a few thoughts about what we are doing here tonight.

I had it in mind to preach such simple things tonight. I was going to take as my starting place the story we heard of David playing his lyre to sooth Saul’s soul when Saul the King got crazy with his violent rages.

My intention was to come up with a great paean of praise to music itself. For we do celebrate Music Sunday here.

I was going simply to stand here and list the glories of the West End Festival that those of us who live in this city are enjoying and to sing the praises of the Royal School of Church Music under whose banner so many good things happen.

I had it in mind to stand here like the conductor at the end of the Last Night of the Proms and to list the glories of our summer days. Of concerts and happenings and sung services and festival masses. And to cry for the glories of music, for music is inherently good.

But something happened as I was sitting down to write this rhapsody of words in praise of music. [Read more…]