Here is last Sunday's sermon, which one or two people have been asking for.
The Gospel reading that I have just read contains within it something of a conundrum. There is a hidden puzzle in it. An embedded surprise.
We are reading just at the start of Mark’s gospel – the first of the gospels to be composed. And within the first 30 verses of the start of the gospel, there is just a glimpse of a character who might surprise us. Yet she is important for she appears in all three of the synoptic gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke all agree that she existed.
Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew. And someone is in bed with a fever. He hears about her and goes up and takes her hand and heals her. And up she pops and gets on with keeping house and serving the men.
The person we have met, is clearly attested. It is [Read more…]
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