Things that are being said about me

I’ve been called quite a lot online this week.

  • Anglican Mainstream was referring to me as the Provost of Glasgow. I’m not,of course. The provost of a city in Scotland is its civic leader, like a mayor. In any case, Glasgow has a Lord Provost. I’m the Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow.
  • Similarly, I was referred to as the Dean of Glasgow Cathedral. Well, I’m a Provost not a Dean. (Provosts run Scottish Episcopal Cathedrals, Deans do a job a bit like an Archdeacon in England). Also, there are four cathedrals in Glasgow, and I don’t work in the one popularly known as Glasgow Cathedral – that’s Presbyterian these days.
  • Ruth Gledhill referred to me as Scotland’s Provost the Brave, which was more positive than I expected. However, I’m not particularly brave.
  • Fr Madpriest said the kindest things. (He’s been nice to me several times recently, time to worry). Blessings be upon you, Fr as you have a mancold at the moment. As a fellow sufferer, though one who is suffering with greater fortitude than you, all I can say is, pull yourself together man.
  • Best of all though is the correspondent on Stand Firm who tried to call me a rogue priest, but could not spell. Thus, I was designated a rouge priest.

Rouge priest?

Its a badge I will wear with pride.