
Well, I was wrong about the girl with the bigot ring. She lost.

However, a gay man has won his case for unlawful discrimination after he was refused a youth official’s job by a Church of England bishop.The employment tribunal said John Reaney, 42, was discriminated against “on grounds of sexual orientation” by the Hereford diocesan board of finance.

Read it all here.

Silver Ring Thing

Looks like we have another Christianity vs School Uniform debacle, this time over a silver chastity ring from the programme known as the Silver Ring Thing.

If the BBC report is anything to go by, the school is on pretty shaky ground in my view. The school seems to think that wearing the veil is essential to Muslim girls. Is that really so? All the Muslim women I’ve ever spoken to about it seem to have been insistent that it is a free choice they have made and one which is not imposed on them either by men or their religion. Even more strange is that the school would let a pupil wear a crucifix but not a silver bigot ring. Whatever one may feel about a crucifix, it is not essential to faith.

That school is on dodgy ground. If they allow the veil, the headscarf and Sikh bracelets, that ring is going to win any legal case.