World AIDS Day Forum

Here’s a video of a conversation I had with one of the members of St Mary’s last Sunday. Andy Winter was chatting to me about the way treatment and perception of HIV has changed over the years. We talked about new PrEP medicines, reducing stigma and the extraordinary news that the epidemic could be ended by 2030.

Take a look here:

HIV and AIDS in Scotland in 2014

Check this video:

marion chatterley from Kelvin Holdsworth on Vimeo.

It is World AIDS Day next week. To mark that date this year, I’ve recorded a number of conversations with Marion Chatterley in connection with her work as Chaplain to people with HIV and Hep C in Scotland.

Here are some of the things that Marion and I touched on this conversation:

  • Does it matter if you become HIV+ when they’ve got medicines that can keep it under control?
  • What stigma means in Scotland today
  • How young gay men are putting themselves at unnecessary risk
  • Dating apps
  • Why the church needs to talk about healthy relationships

There will be more later in the week. Comments and questions welcome below.