Gradually turning back into a normal person after the rigours of Holy Week and Easter. I had a doctor say to me recently, “gosh yes, Easter, you must be busy, I guess it is like Christmas all over again”.
In fact, it is nothing like Christmas. Christmas is hard work but very different. Easter always leaves me feeling physically tired like no other time of the year. Its not always easy to make much sense this week either. You carry so much information in your head to get through Holy Week. So many props need to be in the right place, so many people need to be negotiated with, so much practise has to go into it and this year, so many sermons needed to be preached.
My aim is to try to preach the three hours every other year and do something different on the alternating ones. This year was the second time I have done it. It is an extraordinary thing to do and leaves me feeling completely wrung out.
However, that was then, this is now.
He is risen now and so life returns.
On Maundy Thursday I came home after Evensong to spend just a few hours with Phillip and our dogs before heading back to the Cathedral for mass and the Watch. Good Friday: in the morning I lead a liturgy in one of the larger village parish churches and then headed off to the Cathedral to take mu part in the 3 PM liturgy. Holy Saturday was spent in rehearsing servers and final preparation for the Deanery Vigil service at the Cathedral 8 PM – arriving home at 11.30 PM; then two masses on Easter Day – no Evensong for me but morning mass next day on Easter Monday.
Back at the Diocesan offices on Easter Tuesday the administrative staff ask, “how was your Easter?” – Do I respond as Bishop’s Chaplain, Acting Precentor, or Kevin?
What are they asking: Did all go well? Was the liturgy good? How was your weekend? Somehow I tried to answer in all respects but need more time to reflect on it all.
Easter is not like Christmas – and the effect on the psyche is in a different clinical compartment.
At home, Phillip and the dogs just except this is Holy Week and Easter and they see me when I’m there. Lots of licks and tail wagging!