What a lovely event the Blessing of the Bicycles turned out to be. There are some nice pics on Gordon Smith’s Flickr Stream including one of me in the Cope of Glory on a recumbent trike squealing and giggling in equal proportions.
We gathered, had a reading about wheels from Ezekiel, had a blessing and annointing session. We kept silence to remember those killed on the roads and watched as a white, riderless bike was placed in front of the altar in remembrance. Then a couple of prayers, a final blessing and a joyous ring of cycle bells to celebrate cycling.
I’ll leave the top header on the blog set to a pic from the event for a day or two.
Many thanks to Neil B (aka Limn) who contacted me just a fortnight ago on twitter to see if I was up for it.
Up for it I most certainly was and hope it becomes something that we do every year.
Thank you, David, for prompting my education in a new direction.
Have you heard the BBC R4 broadcast of today? Blessing of Bicycles and Riders was a key element. As was Lycra.
CERTAINLY, lycra 100% fits the safety requirements for garb with bicycles. …. (I can think of no other reason for popularity of Lycra..)
So, where has the Provostorial Outfit got to so far ?
Must be Lycra to invest the legs, leather cope, wee pink cap (‘Traditional Rally’ or ‘Race Spoiler’ ?) – then safety helmet, of course, and clerical collar (to make sure we recognise him).
Whatcher fink ?
hold on a minute.. lycra?!
I’ve been having a wee look and can’t see a square inch of it on display in the pictures.. but i guess it’s permissible as a bit of poetic licence!
I think bikes are best thought of in a similar fashion to vacuum cleaners.. (http://www.copenhagenize.com/2010/06/vacuum-cleaner-culture.html) and it requires an exceptional type of house-cleaning aficionado to put on some tight clothing to do it!
……..and Black Shoes, of course.
So long as they are suitably shiny.
I often bless bicycles. When they weave in and out of cars and go through red lights I say “For God’s Sake”
Dear Kelvin
I hope you were blasting out Queen (Bicycle) during the blessing!