What a lovely event the Blessing of the Bicycles turned out to be. There are some nice pics on Gordon Smith’s Flickr Stream including one of me in the Cope of Glory on a recumbent trike squealing and giggling in equal proportions.
We gathered, had a reading about wheels from Ezekiel, had a blessing and annointing session. We kept silence to remember those killed on the roads and watched as a white, riderless bike was placed in front of the altar in remembrance. Then a couple of prayers, a final blessing and a joyous ring of cycle bells to celebrate cycling.
I’ll leave the top header on the blog set to a pic from the event for a day or two.
Many thanks to Neil B (aka Limn) who contacted me just a fortnight ago on twitter to see if I was up for it.
Up for it I most certainly was and hope it becomes something that we do every year.
Are we about to see the Clergy team riding unicycles up and down the Great Western Road?
That first foto gives a nice view of your church as well. I have not seem one where it looked quite so big.
My eye was caught by a couple of handsome chavos.
I see that they ran up the flag for you.
I too hope that this proves the inauguration of an annual event – I was most disappointed to miss the occasion, being previously committed Elsewhere in Scotland that day.
Fine photographs.
However, methinks we should perhaps design a more appropriate clerical garb for such pursuits ….. I am concerned that the Cope of Glory may disintegrate Sooner rather than Later with this particular usage, and become a mere pretty plaything rather than a Special Occasion Outfit worn with Consideration, Care and Respect…….
However……. this presents an exciting International Question – what SHOULD a Well Dressed Provost wear On A Bicycle……… ?
Perhaps further rummaging in the depths of the crypt may be an Interesting Endeavour ……. what is there, yet to find ….. (gaiters, mebbe ?)
(Wasn’t there a previous post featuring gaiters? – Or are they already in your wardrobe, clamouring for an outing ?)
Do be assured that the owner of the recumbent bike acted as a very competent Mistress of the Robes for the taking of that photograph.
Gaiters were covered here.
Any plans to bless any other random inanimate objects?
Obviously, Lay Clerk – see here
I guess, Lay Clerk, you mean ‘other than the choir’ ?
Point taken, it was a long day yesterday! 🙂
Is it just me, or would a leather cope by ideal for such situations? 🙂
Great stuff – any chance of getting hold of the Order of Servcie so I can pinch it for down here in the flat biking lands of East Anglia?
Yes. We just produced a local version of the one used in St John the Divine. The main difference is that I blessed the bikes by applying a little holy oil to the handlebars of each bike rather than using holy water. I also invited those riders who wanted to be anointed themselves to put out their hands when I was next to their bike so that they could have some of the oil too. Most did.
Now that’s a great suggestion, Ryan – a leather cope would cope with rain, snow and hail, wouldn’t it……
Tho still not sure it’d be very safe re wheels.
Maybe The Provost needs one of those wonderful wide-brimmed hats…….. I wonder just hhhhhhowwwwwww wwwwwwide it could beeeeeeee………
Wide brimmed hats are useless on a bicycle. That is why cyclists wear these;
They also fit well under a safety helmet.