Pentecost Dress Code


Don’t forget now – if you are coming to St Mary’s on Sunday morning you are invited to wear your own national dress if you have it. We’re remembering the story of Pentecost – how the Spirit came upon the people of God in Jerusalem who were gathered from all parts of the world and who heard the glories of God being spoken in their own language.

The invitation on Sunday at St Mary’s is to say the Lord’s Prayer in your own language too.

If you want to wear something special for the feast and national dress isn’t appropriate for you, then please wear something red – the liturgical colour of the day.


  1. manageremeritus says

    Does that include red shoes?

  2. Popes may wear red shoes at the sharp end. Wannabe popes can’t.

    It is really that simple.

  3. Brother David says

    Kelvin, I think that you should wear red cowboy boots in the sharp end! 😉

  4. I’m trying to think of what the ‘national dress’ of the USA is…I think that if I were there, I’d just wear t-shirt and jeans 🙂

  5. So is Kelvin wearing a kilt?

  6. Kelvin is not wearing a kilt.

    Kilts, however, may be worn.

  7. Margaret of the Sea of Galilee says

    Our invitation to The Lord’s Prayer EVERY week is “And you can pray in whatever language or version is most comfortable for you”

  8. I’m sure I heard a rendition in Elvish. Perhaps it was Klingon, but it was very loud.

    I did not attempt the Doric.

    • Elves, Klingons, Doric speakers.

      All are welcome in this place.

      And to be honest, little would surprise me any more.

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