More on the Blog Redesign

Just in case anyone is interested in the technicalities of yesterday’s Blog Redesign…

What you are looking at now is based on StudioPress’s Prose theme.

What you were looking at before was based on a theme by Andreas Viklund  (WP-Andreas01) to whom I am grateful for offering such a good, free, stylish theme which I’ve used for years.

I did change the Prose theme so that the typography was similar to the old site, in order to maintain something of a continuity of look and feel.

I’ve added a disclaimer at the bottom to carefully assert that the views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of St Mary’s or the Scottish Episcopal Church.

As I said to Ryan yesterday, I did consider making the disclaimer say that the views expressed on the blog might not necessarily reflect the views of Kelvin Holdsworth but didn’t because some people just don’t get irony.

Incidently, the congregation’s website, for which I’m also responsible is based on another StudioPress theme – this time the Church them which has been deprecated in favour of the Lifestyle theme. In other words, I’ve change something that looked more or less like this into something that looks like this.

Blog Redesign

I’ve spent the morning of my day off doing a little refreshing of the blog design.

I decided that it was time to say goodbye to the design that I’ve been using for ages and move to something a little more minimalist. (Did I ever tell you that I was a minimalist in my heart?)

This incarnation is a little cooler and a little calmer than that which we’ve been looking at hitherto.

I hesitate to ask what you think, because somehow it is what I think of the design that matters I suspect. However, comments as always, are welcome.