Myers-Briggs Blog Analysis

brainbox-1083011Here is a wheeze. Type a blog url into this webpage and it will attempt to analyse the style of the writing in terms of the Myers-Briggs typology.

It gets me bang on. Although I used to identify as an introvert in the first half of life, I think that those days are long gone. The typelizer has me as an ENFP, which it characterises as:

The curious and insightful type. They are especially attuned to possibilities that involves peoples potential. They usually have a lot of relations and are very perceptive and often unconventional.

They enjoy working together with people and to make use of their enthusiasm. Lonely work and environments with many distractions make them scattered and often gloomy feeling overwhelmed withdraw further.

It analyzes Bishop David as an ISTP. (“The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment are masters of responding to challenges that arise spontaneously. They generally prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts…”)

It has Ruth as an ESFP – “The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells…”

More on the Myers-Briggs system on wikipedia.

Round up of blog reactions

Here is a round up of blog reactions to last Sunday morning.

We’ll start with those who were there:

Firstly, Christine Blethers has Gene Robinson in Glasgow. Then later reports on her Anger Recollected in Tranquillity. (She’s obviously been reading her Wordsworth again).

Also coming across the water from our companion diocese of Argyll and The Isles Especially The Isle of Rothesay was Alison Clark who tags it onto the end of a post about Silence.

Kate and Justin came over from Edinburgh. She reports on it all before taking a break from blogging and in addition offers us a very cute pic of Coleridge wearing a daisy-chain.

Then there is Fr Madpriest who came from Newcastle which is in England, apparently. Not so much a journey as a pilgrimage. He reports it as Madpriest’s Big Adventure.

Fr Madpriest was accompanied on this journey by The Me That Is Me. Apparently they had not seen on another for 9 years. Not so much a pilgrimage as an odyssey. He reports it as That Grand Day Out.

It was wonderful to meet you both in the flesh for the first time.

Jackie (who posts a Daily Pic from Glasgow) has a pic of the cathedral and a bit of comment.

Amongst those who were not there, we have Janisanfran (are there one of them or two?) who speak(s) of global awareness bringing possibilities for peace.

Crystal comes over all inspired by the bard as she writes: Scots Wha hae.

Catherine + over at Come to the Table is delighted at all that happened. (But thinks it happened in the Church of Scotland). She is writing about Post-Lambeth: Reflections and Writers.

Fr Kenny warns us that we have to take the rest of the church with us and also seems to think I had a hand in the new Partick Thistle away strip. (I’d have chosen something more butch, myself, actually).

And Raspberry Rabbit made me laugh with his reportage of what purports to be a conversation between me and Fr Primus. As I observe a strict moratorium on reporting conversations between Fr Primus and myself on this blog, it contains rather more detail than you will get from me.

Any more? Who have I missed out?