Just a reminder about the petition that is before the Scottish Parliament on opening up civil and religious marriage to everyone in Scotland. (That means opening it up to same-sex couples).
Nick Henderson, the original petitioner came to St Mary’s last night to talk to the LGBT group about the petition. It only has a few weeks to run now and there are already over 650 names on it. However, the more the merrier.
I know that some people found the site was not working when I last highlighted signing it. All appears to be well now. Clergy – now is the time to use that Revererend title you love so much. Politicians – it is time to use those precious MP and MSP initials. Everyone else, use what you got.
Following on from hearing about the petition last night, I did my fabled, “All You Need to Know about Christian Ethics in Six Cartoons” gig. I dare say people will want me to repeat that one at another time too.
Now, go on. Sign that petition. Give someone you don’t know the best day of their life.
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